Monday, July 25, 2011

Taste and see

Psalm 34: 8 Taste and see that the LORD is good;

blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

This morning I got to read one of my favorite Psalms. Psalms 34. At the heart of this chapter is the verse that thrills me, verse 8. It's an invitation from David, actually from God, to taste, to see if God is good or not. There is such a confidence by the author in God's goodness that, in our language, he's saying, "try him, you'll like him." It's an invitation that has to have substance or no one would follow the first one to taste and say, "Oh that's just awful!" The taste test ends there for those watching, but it's a taste test proven over the centuries....if you will taste, if you will come see you will find that God is good.

I watched the other evening as my daughter tried to get her son to try peas. His response was, "I don't like green food!" She simply said to him, "try it, taste'll like it." Of course there's the normal resistance of a four year old, but he did finally take a taste and changed his commentary on green food.

That's the invitation of David, "Come, taste,'ll like Him." God is good and a taste has never failed to prove this true. God is good and the seeker will always find a good God. Come, taste and'll like Him. He's really good.

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