Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Tangible Kingdom

I'm reading "The Tangible Kingdom" by Matt Smay and Hugh Halter and tonight I came to these words....I thought they were important thoughts for our days,

"I never tell people I'm a pastor any more, and I rarely even acknowledge I'm a Christian unless they give me time to explain. I don't believe I have any power or prestige from my position. In fact, I think it puts me a few yards behind the line of scrimmage. I don't argue philosophy or debate alternative religious viewpoints. I don't point a finger at the traditional church and say we're doing something "anti-church." I simply put pressure on myself to live in such a way that people want to be with me, and then hope others will follow in our way. If no one is following, then I assume it's because of me."

These words are profound to us as Christians in this time. This is "evangelism" in our a life that draws others to Christ in us. It is the tangible kingdom lived out.


  1. Wish I'd had this quote yesterday! Great thoughts.

  2. My concern with this statement is that it sounds good, it sound new age in a Christian context. The scriptures teach our role in sharing the gospel with others is to present the God of the Bible in the person of Jesus. It is the role of the Spirit of God to convict the person of sin and the truth of the bibical words we speak. If we are living the gospel, sharing the gospel, the response of the ...peron in accepting or rejecting the word is not about me. We must remember "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son......." I don't get a chance to share in the Glory of one who comes to Christ nor should I feel bad or blame myself if one rejects Christ. Read the first chapter of the Gospel of John and the Book of Romans chapter one through chapter six. peace out!

  3. Anthony,

    Great thoughts. I don't disagree at all. As an evangelical I am passionate about the gospel, the glory of God and Jesus Christ as Lord of heaven and earth, but our culture is changing and they care little for the things of God. The book was intended to make us think about how we find those thin places where we can share the salvation message with others. I don't always like the content of the books I read, but I'm always looking for ways to reach this lost world I see around me. thanks for your comments. They are much appreciated.
