Monday, July 11, 2011

A prayer need

I got an e-mail from a pastor friend in Kenya. Kenya is in the midst of a horrible drought and from what I can see on the news thousands will die before it's over. Here's his note,

I pray that you are all doing well.
I'm doing well with my family and the church family only that most families have no food and are going without for a day or two before getting another meal. However, no one have died of hunger in the community.
Please pray for me for sometimes I feel like running out of this community.
Winston Katana Mweri

Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in parts of the world where even a nourishing meal is a blessing. We worry about such little things when you contrast it with what others must deal with. Pray for those in Kenya and pray for us that we would live thankful lives. Being blessed sometimes needs a reality check to see how blessed we really are.


  1. thank you for sharing Mike and know that we are praying.

  2. Just sent up a prayer and will continuing to pray for them! Thanks for passing the prayer need on!

  3. What is being done to help them does anyone know?

  4. Anonymous, World food aid and a number of services are rallying to the aid of the hungry, but it is a monumental problem. I would guess there are 100 million people affected by this drought. I think it's bigger than we know. What can we do? Give something to a charity you trust and help as you can.
