Tuesday, July 12, 2011

An outstretched hand

I got an e-mail this morning. It made my heart ache. Here is part of the note,

"My dear brother and co-worker I'm sorry telling you the following words however, God who sees know why I do ask for this.  Please if you can afford to send to me 50 USD you will have saved my family from going without a meal by tomorrow evening. I'm so sorry for I know you're too in the same situation, please do according to the leadership of the Holy Spirit for I believe He knows how we will go through."

This e-mail is from my friend in Kenya. He rarely asks for help, although I know he needs it. There are thousands more who have no one they can ask to help them. My heart goes out to him, my prayers as well and my resources must follow. Pray for those like my friend who face hunger and hungry children begging for something to eat.


  1. This breaks my heart, Mike. It makes me feel so helpless...I know I can pray, but that seems like so little (I realize it's not, but it doesn't seem like a practical thing when someone is starving.)

  2. I love my wife's response when I sent her a note to talk about helping our friend. She wrote, "How or why would we say no?" Shouldn't that always be our response with one another?

  3. Sadly, as I think about the time difference, I realize that my friend and his family have probably gone to bed hungry, but oh what a great day tomorrow will be! There will be help and food to buy to feed his children. Lord, let them rejoice in YOUR provision for them.

  4. How blessed he is to have a generous friend.
