Thursday, July 07, 2011

First church of Starbucks

As I sit in Starbucks this morning reading a new book, "The tangible kingdom", I am challenged by the reality of a culture changing before our eyes. Community, "church", and fellowship have moved from the church buildings to the corner Starbucks, the local bar, and the neighborhood fitness center. For most in the church this is not news. The question for us is this- what do do about this changing culture, the exodus from church community and fellowship? How do we "do church" in a changing world? Those questions are just a few this book asks. I am challenged by the culture around me. I'm excited about what's ahead, but I am also aware that we must change or simply become a non-issue to the very culture we are trying to reach. At the moment I have a lot of questions. I'm not sure I will get them all answered, but I'm excited about the adventure ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Did you finish reading the book? Is it worth buying? (Not that I don't have waaayyyy too much to read already.)
