Monday, July 04, 2011


It's the 4th of July. It's a celebration of the beginnings of our country. I am so grateful to be part of this country at this time in history. I know God puts us where and when we are for a purpose and I am blessed to be part of his plan in this plan and in this time.

I pray for those who have so little, who are hungry tonight. I pray for those who have nothing when I have so much. I pray I will use what God has given me to serve him for his glory. I don't want to waste this blessing in this time and not use my all for God. In these moments of comfort for me so many are suffering. I pray I never forget I'm part of God's work in the lives of those around me. I pray I finish well and never forget my awesome blessings.

1 comment:

  1. AND blessed to live in a country where we can freely worship our God. Thanks for sharing this, Mike.
