Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Tell the coming generation

One of the most important things we do is pass on to the next generation what God has done for us. Our legacy is not money, houses or land, but stories about what God has done in our lives.

The stories of Psalms 78 tell of the need to do two things, 1. remember what God has done, and 2. tell the next generation. It's the stories of God's work in our lives that will touch the lives and hearts of our children and grandchildren. It's the "thin places" between us and God that leave memories in our lives. And it will be the "skin places", the touch of one life to another, that will leave those memories for another generation.

I often ask those who are older than I am to tell me their stories. The stories of God's touch in their lives are the most vivid for any of us. Then I ask, "have you told your stories to your kids, your grand kids?" Sadly, the answer is often "no." I so wish we would write down, talk about and share what God has done in our lives with those we love. It's the stories of us and God as we interact that will leave memories for those who are our mission field....our children.

Have you told them your stories? Have you written them down? Let me encourage you to do two things today, 1. read Psalms 78. It's our invitation to tell the coming generation about God's work in our lives, and 2. write down and tell your story to your children, your grandchildren. It's your stories that will touch their lives. It's God's work in your life that will make an impression in their lives as well.

1 comment:

  1. Well Mike I thought this was good enought to forward to all my family, but then I was convicted of not telling the stories,and could not send it.
