Thursday, June 16, 2011

Amazing people

Isobel Kuhn
Missionary to the Burmese Lisu people in China
Missionary to the Burmese Lisu people in China
BornDecember 17, 1901
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
DiedMarch 20, 1957 (aged 55)
Wheaton, Illinois, USA
EducationUniversity of British Columbia; Normal School; Moody Bible Institute
SpouseJohn Becker Kuhn

Isobel Kuhn, have you ever heard of her? I hadn't. This afternoon I stumbled upon an article about her life. As I read her story I realized how many unknown, unsung hero's there are who have served the Lord without fanfare, without glory and without fame.

We are in a culture that seeks fame and success. We all want to do something "significant" (whatever that means) and yet here is Isobel, serving God without the praise of men.

I am so grateful for these little glimpses into lives that will never make the front page of any newspaper, but have changed eternity. I hope my bio will be one unknown to the media of the day, but well known in eternity.

1 comment:

  1. Isobel Kuhn wrote many books, one of my favorite called "In the Arena". I read her works over thirty years ago, but then again recently, picked them up to read again. I was struck by how much "prayer" became her life.She prayed about every decision and watched and waited for God's answer. She was just an ordinary person, like me, with an ordinary faith, but somewhere along the line, it turned into extraordinary faith. That is why I read her books again. They spur me on to have greater faith in the Oh so faithful God I serve.
