Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There Is No Heaven?

Stephen Hawking -- "the world-renowned theoretical physicist -- finds no room for heaven in his vision of the cosmos.

In an interview published Monday in The Guardian newspaper, the 69-year-old says the human brain is like a computer that will stop working when its components fail.

"There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark," Hawking told the paper." (you can read the full article here.)

I'm not surprised by Stephen's announcement. When you have dismissed God from "your universe" then heaven cannot be an option either. It's the logical next step for a man who finds no place for God. It is very sad that such a brilliant man on many levels would dismiss what is so obvious to anyone who is looking.

But I imagine Stephen's declaration in this way- with his face turned to the rear of the cave, refusing to turn around and see the sun coming up over the horizon, he declares boldly, "there is no sun! there is no sun!" For those of us who see it so clearly, feel its warmth and know its reality it is amazing to see him sadly declare that the God who made him doesn't exist. Those of us who know God simply shake our heads in disbelief and sadness. Stephen's declaration doesn't shake my faith, in fact I just feel sad for him. He knows so much and yet understands so little.

I can see why King David wrote these revealing words for us to understand the heart of any man or woman who, like Stephen, would claim a knowledge contrary to reality. Here's David's thoughts on those around him,

Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.”


  1. No doubt he has accomplished so much with his life, but so sad and such a waste that he lives such a hopeless existence. How sad to live in the dark.

  2. I wonder what he's really accomplished in the One true God's eyes. I am saddend by him and sometimes, other times I am just tired of hearing of him... but still, prompted to pray for him. Nothing is impossible with God. I don't want to give up on him and know God does not want him to perish either. Today, my stomach turns when thinking of him. Seeking hope for self, but reminded of seeking hope for him as well, I suppose.
