Thursday, May 12, 2011

Quote of the day

"Praise is the culmination of our enjoyment of anything." -C.S. Lewis

I just started reading David Crowder's book, "Praise Habit." His writing is as interesting as his music, but one thing I notice is that he understands praise, worship, and seeking God. It's interesting that our passions mold us. We are driven, molded, changed and challenged by our passions. For David it's clear that worship, and music as its outlet, is important to him. In the early pages he describes his quest to discover "the Giver of good." It struck me as I read those words that from the very beginning God was all about giving and making good things. If we are to find any good at all we have to find it in God. As C.S. Lewis writes, praise speaks to what "the Giver of good" has provided.

I wonder...and so I ask....what do you have today that "the Giver of good" has provided? What would you praise him for today? I invite you to praise this wonderful Giver for the good things he has given you. What would you praise him for today?


  1. I work in a hospital.
    Today I praise Him for my health and that of my family and friends.
    Health is a gift and it should be appreciated!

  2. "Praise is the culmination of our enjoyment of anything." -C.S. Lewis

    The quote you put up.... it is really deep if you think upon it for awhile. Do you take it to be true litteraly? Like if enjoy my loved one's company, that is praise? Or if I enjoy sitting in the back yard, enjoying nature and the outdoors, that is praise? What about praising him when things aren't so enjoyable...

    I praise Him for the goodness he is and how faithful and true he is. That I can see, though I have eye problems, that I can walk despite painful muscles and joints and feet, that I can breath even though some days I can't finish a sentence, that I can hear, even though I have hearing loss and my left ear never stops with the humming, that I can feel, even though the feeling sometimes isn't all it should be, that I can type, even though I really pay for it in my wrists, hands, and elbows, but most of all, I praise him for allowing me to be in his plan of salvation so that I can praise him and be with him forever.

    It's all about him, I praise his Holy Name, I praise him for healing, my family, friends and life-long brothers and sisters, I praise him for how powerfully wise and fair he is, that he has given us instruction in his word and remains faithful to all the promises, that he helps my hope, faith, and love, especially that he cares enough to comfort, lead, teach, restore, rebuild, and orchestrate my life and answer prayer. I praise him because he requires it and it is part of my daily routine, for praising him in sorrow, in fear, in frustration, means so much more than just praising because you feel good. Praising him today for he is LORD and I cannot think of any superior name above LORD. I thank God he is LORD over my life while as close and personal as anyone I know. That I can rely and cling to him and go under his shelter and wait on him, I praise him for he knit me in my mother's womb for a reason, and all the destruction the enemy did to me, the LORD of my mind, body, spirit, he turned it alllllll around for the good.

    I praise him for the culmination of everything, good, and not so good, in my life. He is beautiful and I cannot wait to see him and heavan and all he has for me to do until then and then, when I will be joyfully praising his holiness through eternity.

  3. I am not a Crowder fan at all. I wonder if I would appreciate him more if I understood where he was coming from? I just can't get into his music (though I know many who LOVE him - so it's just personal preference). I didn't know he had a book. I've read a few articles about his songs. He's an interesting person.
