Sunday, May 01, 2011


It's such a noisy world right now. All around, all the time there is noise. The noise of politics, of countries in chaos, angry people, frustrations over gas prices, and literally a thousand other things bring noise to our lives. It's everywhere!

What I need most is some quiet! Could everyone just be quiet for a moment? Give me a few minutes of silence. Could we just push the pause button and have some quiet for a few moments? The answer is "NO!" The noise will continue, the volume goes up and we all become frustrated, tired and angry.

We weren't designed for all this noise, at least I'm not. I need some quiet time. I need some time when all the noise is somewhere else and I can listen to God speak to my heart and my mind. With all the noise around us he has to shout to get our attention, but if we could just get away, just find a few moments of quiet, we would hear God speak.

I think that's why a motorcycle is so enjoyable to me. I put in some earplugs, put on the helmet and off I go. Silence....sweet silent and a real isolation from the world around me. It's life giving to have a few minutes of quiet.

Even God has to tell David in Psalms, "BE QUIET and know that I am God." Sometimes we just have to find some silence, calm our fears and listen to God.

Now, this post isn't life changing, it isn't really that interesting, it's just a real need I have and I know others do as well. As you can, with all the noise around you, find a place to be quiet each day. It's a needed part of life.


  1. Now you know why I run. Well said, friend.

  2. So true. I used to have a Honda Rebel. I loved it. Sold it to pay for a semester of grad school (or partly). Now, with physical and mental limitations, I am not safe by myself. But riding with someone is still thrilling. I remember the awesome feeling of riding down the Grapevine dam and a 747 came over me (on my first ride with the bike after I purchesed it). It was like 'yeah! this is what it's all about!!! Just seeing nature without constrictions and the peace of going whereever you want...

    Just like Jill said today, going into that 'room' and finding Him and all his strength to help, waiting on him, quiet is good. I love my quiet time. An old paster talked about sit walk run. If we don't sit enought in quiet, we can't to the others, and if the others become a struggle spiritually in our life, back to sitting right away. Thanks for sharing Mike.
