Thursday, May 05, 2011

Pop Quiz

Ok, time for a quiz. I know you don't stop by here to be tested, but let me use this little exercise to generate some good discussion and thinking. Ready?

Ephesians 5:1 says, "Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children."

Q: What are the two things, two behaviors, that would best demonstrate this imitation lifestyle to the world around us?

(hint- the verses before and after this amazing invitation give the answers.)

Why a quiz? This verse has been bouncing around in my head for weeks now and I can't think of anything better than that I make it part of your "brain worms" as well. It's such an amazing invitation, such a bold one, that I have been stuck on these 8 words for weeks now. It is the pinnacle of the book of Ephesians, it is the high calling for any Christian, it does give us the answers to whether our choices are right or has huge content for our lives and how we live them out in the world around us.

The question for me now becomes, "does this choice, these words, this action imitate God?" With that simple question I have a filter for anything I face. Now someone might say, "Well how do I know what God would choose? How do I know what he would do?" The answer is surprisingly simple....just watch Jesus in the gospels. As he invited the first disciples he also invites us, "follow me." And with that invitation he shows up in real time what God would do in almost any situation. The bracelet that was popular a few years ago was not far from our goal, WWJD? The question was simple, what would Jesus do? With that question we find the guide for living out lives which imitate the Father.

Now, back to the quiz....what two things, two behaviors, best demonstrate this imitation lifestyle to the world around us?

Ready, discuss...


  1. First, it is not about what is serves my personhood, but the desire of love, the Father show to all his children.
    Second respond to others according to what will best fulfill His will in their lives.

  2. 1. Loving others (Knowing His love for us is so intense, like beloved kids).
    2. Acting like Jesus demonstrated living in His power and righteousness rather than surcoming to evil (We want to imitate behavior to others, especially our children so they know how to live the Word and see it demonstrated).

  3. 1 John 4:8 But anyone who does not love does not know God - God is love.

    God is love, he created us because of it and so that we may have a deep relationship with Him. His love also led Him to the ultimate sacrifice that paid the price for and forgives all our sins.

    Living out life that imitates our Father in heaven - to love unconditionally and forgive our neighbors as well as our enemies and we can reflect that in our actions and our words. When we are lite by God's love some of that can't help but filter out as a light for others to see. But there will always be, because we are human, choices to make. The hard part is always making sure we are asking ourselves the right questions -are we being selfless or self gratifying?

  4. Thank you all for your comments. The answer really surprised me as I read the passage in Ephesians 4-5. Two things are core to imitating God, 1. forgiveness and 2. love. Those two things most clearly show the world around us what God is like. Do you want to imitate God? Love and forgive. It's pretty simple, isn't it?

  5. First pop quiz from you in 31 years or so (woot)! Was so happy to find this place a few months back.

    These answers came to mind. Compassion and Hospitality.

    It took sometime to catch up with you again, but you were in my thoughts often. Sorry I didn't pop-in and say howdy sooner but this time something popped.

    Gladness fills my heart knowing all things work for the good!

  6. Charlie,

    How great to hear from you! What a treat!! Thanks for the comment. Hope all is well with you. Where are you and what are you doing now?
