Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Not good enough

This morning, as I prayed, my mind flashed back to a specific day, a special moment as a young kid sitting on the bench. I had my uniform on, I had the perfect new glove and I wanted to play, but I just wasn't good enough and so my position on the team was bench warmer. This morning I thought about that specific moment when I realized I wasn't good enough to play. The coach had dismissed me from consideration and no matter how hard I tried I would sit on the bench.

Have you ever known those moments that changed your life? Do you remember a specific time, a special event that was life changing for you? I think it happens to all of us, I know it happened to me on that day. I suddenly realized that I wasn't good enough. From that moment on I was on a quest to prove to the world that I was good enough! Profound moments of life are not all good moments. This moment for me was ego destroying and my quest from that day on was to make sure I "got in the game," whatever the game might be.

One of the best weapons of the enemy is to tell you that you're not good enough. It has disastrous consequences for how we view ourselves and it affects how we live into the future. I knew a classmate in school who had a "not good enough" moment in life and I still remember watching him wither and die before my eyes. He never recovered. He's lived his life a bitter man. That commentary became true for him and destroyed him.

But God....don't you love it when those two words show up in the bible? But God made me and that makes all the difference. As I read Psalm 139 this morning I thought about God's perfect design of each one of us. We are designed by God to be just what he wanted us to be. We are the perfect result of his design and now our task is not to try to be good enough, but to simply let him look good through us. He made us and we are exactly what he wanted us to be. Some are horrible baseball players (like me), others are great at the sport. Some are brilliant thinkers, designed by God to be that way, and others do better with their hands. Each of us is a piece of art designed by God to glorify him.

Don't believe the world's lie that you aren't good enough. You are God built, you are perfectly made to be and do what God designed you for. Enjoy his creation of you, thank him for it and celebrate being what he made you to be. You are priceless to God!

1 comment:

  1. Another well thought out and writen peice. "Not good enough" is the natural result of compareing our self to the world around us. Only when we see ourselves complete in Him can we find the comfort and peace He promises.
