Wednesday, April 06, 2011


The words of a commentary come to mind this morning as I start my day, "The best word to describe someone who has not trusted Christ as savior is 'without.'" It's part of a commentary on the book of Ephesians. As those words came to me early this morning I thought, what would be on the list of the things that someone would be without? What is the man or woman missing if they don't trust Christ?

The world would say that if you become a Christian "you will really miss out." The implication is that there is a lot of good sinning to be had and if you become one of those Christians you can't "have fun." But, I wonder, what would be on the list of the things a person without Christ would be without. Here's a few as I think about this,

1. without hope
2. without a promise
3. without a future
4. without God
5. without peace
6. without joy
7. without direction

I'm working on the list, but those few come to mind in a moment of typing. It strikes me that if you are without Christ you are without a future, without direction, without a promise, without God in the world. Instead of "missing out on the fun" the Christian is really the most blessed of people because they are no longer "without."


  1. Another good thought provoker. My comment is not about this writing but your "reaction registry". You would receive more clicks if the responces were more like "Inspired", "Thoughtful", "Just Dumb". The terms Funny and Cool while expressive, do not apply to much to the thought provoking work that you write.

  2. Ok, Mike, as you has been done. I hope that makes it easier to comment with a click.
