Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The unseen hand

This morning, as I read Jesus' prayer in John 17, I came to this verse....a verse I had never really seen before. It's always amazing to me to see new things in a book I've read hundreds of times, but each time I discover something I never saw before. I know that's the work of God. At the right time, just when I need it, he shows me something new to help me in my walk. I'm sure we miss a lot as we read the bible because the deep insights that are hidden in the words we read just aren't needed right now. Then, just when you need them, you see something new. Here's my "something new" for today:

"When I was with them, I WAS KEEPING THEM in Your name which you have given Me; and I GUARDED THEM and not one of them perished..." John 17:12

It strikes me that Jesus did his best defensive work on his knees. He prayed for these men. He appealed to the sovereign of the universe and kept them, guarded them even when they had no sense of threat or trouble. Kept and guarded. What interesting words to use. Kept from what? Guarded from what? What did Jesus know that these 12 did not? What was happening that they were completely oblivious to?

I realize this is still happening. Jesus is still praying to the father, interceding for us, keeping and guarding us from dangers and problems we are completely unaware of. Kept and guarded, what a wonderful reality for the believer today. As we walk through each day there is a sovereign God walking with us, protecting us, guarding us, accomplishing his perfect will in our lives. I look forward to the day when I discover all that he has done in my life to keep and guard me from the enemy, from the world, from my own flesh. It will be another opportunity to praise him for his wonderful love as we see all that he has done for us. Kept and guarded....how blessed we are.

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