Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A high calling

For several days now I've been thinking about a passage that is challenging me to think through its implications both in my own life and in the lives of those who call themselves Christians. Here are the words from Ephesians that have challenged me,

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;" -Eph. 5:1

I didn't get much further in the passage. That first phrase stopped me. This is such a high calling that most of us simply read over the implications. Stop for a moment and think about those eight words. What would change if that were your passion? How would you make choices with that as your model for life? How would your interaction with others change? What does this mean for your life today?

We all model someone. For most the models for our choices are the "celebrities" of television or politics. We all look to someone to emulate. We all have someone we have chosen as our hero, our mentor, the one we want to be like. It affects our choices. It molds our behavior. We all do it. Who are you imitating? What guides your choices?

The high calling of the Bible is to be imitators of God. For today, let me simply dangle that model in front of you for your consideration. "Be imitators of God, as beloved children." Look to him as your model for life, for choices, for how you interact with those around you. What would change if this were true of your life?

I'm still working on this in my life. I don't want to read further until I've worked out what these eight words mean for me.


  1. Very thought provoking. The statement tells me first there is a relationship. Second, that relationship has a natural responce. A beloved child desires to be like his father.
    The application has two parts. First we must reconize that we are beloved. Second we must understand by studing our Father.
    The conclusion also has two parts. First we can chose to be like our Father. Second we can chose to be identfied by our own characteristics.
    The conclusion is the reslut of the fact we have choice. We can chose to be controled by the will of the Father, or the will of the flesh (self will).

  2. I'm thankful that despite my utter failings in life, that I'm still a beloved child of God. And the only way I can imitate Him is to let Him dwell richly in me. I know I can't do it myself.

    Beautiful 8 words.
