Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today is baby dedication day at our church. It's a tradition that I really like. To see these new lives committed to the Lord is a real blessing to me. What a commitment by the parents to make these babies their primary mission field. It's a great blessing and raise children and pray for them as well that they would know Christ and pursue him. In the times we live in it's a challenging task, but what a joy to see these sweet babies coming to faith and growing into men and women who seek and know God. I can't wait to see what God does with the babies committed to him today.


  1. Thanks, Mike for a very meaningful dedication! It was very special for David and I. ;)

  2. Thank you, April, it was a great treat for me to share that time with you both. I feel blessed to be part of what God is doing in the lives of those in our church family. Thank you.
