Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reasons to rest

These are fearsome days.

Earthquakes in Japan.
Riots in Cairo.
Financial worries at home.
Wars erupting all around us.

Fear is natural. What's next? What will happen to us? Is the world coming to an end? Questions arise when fearsome things happen.

This morning, as I read in Isaiah, I came to a statement repeated twice with two different reasons for the instruction. It always catches my attention when something is repeated. Here are the words from God spoken through Isaiah, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine!" And then again the prophet declares, "Do not fear, for I am with you." The chapter continues with amazing and encouraging words for Israel and for us. The chapter is Isaiah 43 if you want to read it for yourself, but these two invitations caught my attention because of the opening words, "do not fear..." In this short passage God gives two reasons not to fear, 1. I have redeemed you, and 2. I am with you. In these two statements are the reasons we don't need to fear- God's redemption and God's presence. In the midst of difficult days is the reassurance of God's redemption for the future and his presence for the trials at hand. Do not fear because your todays and tomorrows are all taken care of. God is with you and is leading you into the days ahead holding your hand as you walk each step. Reasons to rest? God has redeemed you and even now, in the midst of your trials and problems, he's with you, walking beside you, holding your hand, on the road to the redemption he has already provided. A redemption that's now and not yet. A presence that is constant and loving. A hope that is sure. Do not fear.


  1. Thanks for the great reminder, Mike. I always enjoy your perspective and insight.
