Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New book

I just got Rob Bell's new book, "Love Wins: Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived." Before it even came out it was creating controversy. I look forward to reading his thoughts and will share my comments with you here. Stay tuned...


  1. I'm halfway through. I guess I'm slow because I have to stop and make a note about something he wrote or take time to digest what he's saying. I'm looking forward to discussing it.

  2. Ok, I read Rob's book yesterday and finished it last night. It's short, fast paced and full of great questions. I liked it, I hated it, I thought in parts he did a good job and in other places he did a really bad job. It's clear he has "fogged the edges" for many and I think this book will cause some good discussions in the church, BUT I think it will also confuse many. Do I recommend it? Yes and No. Do I like it? Yes and No. Do I agree with Rob? In parts...yes, in many places, where his questions created confusion rather than clarity, I disagree with his points and direction. Is Rob Bell an universalist? Maybe not, but he sure leaves the door open for the reader to think so. There's much more to say, but that will give you my thoughts on the morning after reading Rob's new book.

  3. Lori, looking forward to a visit about the book.....let' me know or come by. I'll buy the coffee. Maybe we could start a bible study on the book? :)

  4. Actually I think a Bible study on the book would be a good thing. However, judging by FB comments, it could get heated unless those who participate decide to have an open mind.

    I think your assessment of the book is right on based on what I've read so far. I feel the same way - I like it, I hate it, etc. But I think his point is that he wants the "tribe" to start talking about some of the issues because to those who do not attend church or have stopped attending church, they are big issues. And finger wagging isn't going to bring them back (whether the theology is correct or not).

    But it would be good to look at some of his claims/beliefs and then cross reference with the Bible, don't you think?

  5. And notice what a genteel conversation we've had here on your blog. Thank you.
