Friday, March 04, 2011


I have to tell you that I frequent IHOP (The International House of Pancakes). I know...not good for me, but with so many of the guys I meet needing to get to the office most of my coffee times are early morning at IHOP. It's been a haunt of mine for several long in fact that I know the waitress there by name. Her name is Becky. She's a sweet young lady and has been there since they opened. We have gotten to know each other a little bit. She's a mom. She has 3 kids. She rides a Ninja motorcycle. She's quite a renaissance woman. If you didn't ask you wouldn't know, but this week I found out something more that surprised me. As I walked in early this week I asked her if she had worked there the day before, free pancake day, and she said, "no, I had to take the day off to take the G.R.E." (The G.R.E. is the test to get into grad school.) I asked her more....what are you doing? What do you want to do? What are you working on? She replied that she's getting her PHD in genetics. Ok, I'm surprised. My waitress at IHOP working to become a geneticist? How amazing is that?

Ok, here's my point for this short story. We all have personal stories. Everyone you meet is much deeper than you know and will only share their life with you if you ask. How much do we miss when we fail to ask about the lives of those around us? How much do we miss out on when we don't start conversations with those we meet? All around us are people with a story. A few questions, a sincere interest and a few minutes to listen and you've opened the door to a life, a friendship, a conversation. My next visit with Becky will continue from where we left off. What's my next question? I don't know yet, I can't wait to find out!

1 comment:

  1. I tend to people watch and make up stories that seem to fit their non-verbal communication and overall demeanor. Imagine if I actually would walk up to one and ask a question or two? LOL...great advice Mike.
