Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Simple reflections

My sweet wife and I had a great day together yesterday on our anniversary. As I think about the day I also thought about something else. It suddenly struck me that we each only live this life for a few short years and then we are gone. What struck me is how amazing it is that another person would be willing to spend those few short years with me. What an amazing thing marriage is that two people would give their lives to each other and spend them together. What a gift, what a commitment, what an amazing thing it is that two lives become one for these few short years and we gift each other our lives....our only be with each other. It's a simple thing, but I'm profoundly impacted by one other person who would spend her only life with me. I am blessed.


  1. Two different people manage to live together and support one another no matter what for years is simply awesome! Not many people appreciate the gift of marriage nowadays. I believe that you have a great wife! :) I hope i will have a great husband as well. I did pray for one. Many times, i love to ask married couples whether they can see God's hand in putting them together and brings them through their relationship problems. But act, i know the answer is yes. Is just whether i believe in God. :) Thanks for sharing the lovely story...
