Saturday, February 05, 2011

On our way home

It's Saturday morning in Nairobi. The traffic is filling the streets. People are everywhere. Life is happening on this beautiful morning, but it will be an even brighter day tomorrow when we arrive home in Dallas.

I have really enjoyed this trip and the team of men I'm working with, but I long for home and my sweet wife. You really know how important people are when you are away from them. There really is no place like the place you call home and mine is half a world away this morning. The rest of today and tomorrow will be all about closing that gap.

I will write more about this trip when I get back. I have photos and video to post as I can sort them all out. I do wonder, after each trip I take, what the eternal results will be. On this trip, after a session in which we taught the pastors how to share the gospel and challenged them to share it with someone that day, we heard stories of four people who had trusted Christ the evening before. Those stories and others are why we travel across the globe. It's our desire that every race and tongue know Jesus Christ and find eternal life. Some of that has already happened. I can't wait to hear about other stories as these men and women process all we shared with them.

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful story that will live forever! I am grateful for you all and the faithfulness to the Kenya group. Also, incredibly moved to hear of the ones who you know accepted Christ our Lord and pray their decipleship will be altered because of your trip and God working through you all, and through our prayers. Praise/halliluia! to our Father who is so faithful.
