Monday, February 07, 2011

High praise and great joy

Every mission trip has high and lows. Every adventure has it's great stories and difficult moments, but may I tell you that the team for this trip was wonderful! All three of the men I went to Africa with were amazing! Dave, Larry and John all served each other, worked together and had a great time of ministry. There are trips where the biggest challenge is the team itself, but not this time. These guys were a rich blessing from the Lord. I can't wait to see what God does in each of their lives.


  1. I don't know the other men well, but John is just salt of the earth. That's 2 continents for him in less than a year! Wish I could have shared with you.

  2. me too, Brandon, and do pray for John. God's working in his life and in Larry. I guess I should say pray for their wives who will see different men and wonder what to do with them. The life on fire for God is a wonderful thing to see.
