Sunday, February 13, 2011

Every blessing

Eph. 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Every spiritual blessing? What an amazing statement! But here is something even more amazing...he HAS blessed us. It's a past tense event. It's already happened, we already have EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING IN CHRIST.

Those words are profound and hard to grasp. In other words we already have, in Christ, every spiritual blessing there is to give. They have all been given out. There aren't any more to give, God gave them all in Christ.

In Christ we already have every blessing God wanted to give us. That truth causes Paul to revert back to a praise style that David used in Psalms. It begins with "Praise be to the God and Father..." It's the beginning of this amazing book of Ephesians. Paul begins his thoughts with the most profound statement anyone could ever make- In Christ we already have every blessing there is to give in the heavenlies. I can't wrap my thoughts around that. I don't think we understand how important that is. Most of us are busy about asking for things that God has already given in Christ. He can't answer those prayers because he already Christ.

So, with all of the blessings God can give already given what are we to do? That's the great joy of every believer...the joy of discovering and unwrapping the gifts already given, scattered through God's word and waiting to be revealed in our lives. Every blessing. What an amazing thought. What a wonderful God.

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