Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Walking in the shadow lands

"Even when I walk through the shadow lands, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me." -David, Psalm 23

I had coffee with a good friend this morning who is struggling with depression. It grieved me to see him in the midst of the shadow lands. It's a hard place to live. I know. I grew up in the shadow lands. Depression is part of my heritage and a frequent part of my life. It's not unusual for me to spend weeks in the shadow lands before I see the light of a clear day.

It was hard to see my friend struggling. He had never visited the shadow lands before. It's difficult the first time. Depression is overwhelming if you have never experienced it before. It eats away at your energy, dulls your mind and makes the very nerves of your body tender. Walking through the shadow lands is a skill reluctantly learned, unwillingly done, but a wonderful blessing as you see God work in your life.

I gave my friend some tools to use as he walks through the shadow lands. They are simple things, but they really help. I'm praying for him. I'm praying that he, like David, myself and thousand of others, discovers that God is close beside him. That his rod and staff protect and comfort him as he discovers the shadow lands. Today he's just beginning a difficult journey, but as one who has spent years in the shadow lands I was able to encourage him and tell him that God is working wonderfully in his shadow lands. In fact, I think I have found my walk with God even sweeter because of the dark paths of the shadow lands. I hope my friend finds God's sweet care as well as he walks through these dark days.


  1. I love you brother Mike. Oh how the Lord has used you to "bear one another's burdens" well. I would love to know what tools you gave your friend as there is always someone I know walking in the shadow lands - sometimes its even me!

  2. Brandon, thank you for your kind note. I hope to see you soon and we can visit about it then. I will try to put my thoughts to paper and will post them here as well. Thanks.

  3. Hi Pastor Mike,

    It has been a while since i last left a message here. There are a lot of hard times in my life. People dont like struggles and so do I. But as i go through more and more struggles, i can see myself start to live more peacefully with them. In fact what you said is very true is only when we walk in darkness, walk through them that we able to see how God is working amazingly in our life. Just want to thank you for writing a blog regarding my issue last time when i wrote to you. I am glad that i am able to handle my disappointment better this time. I believe the darkness we experience is the dark just before the morning. =)The joy we experience in the future will be far greater than all the pains we have, right??

  4. Yun,

    Yes, you are right. God works in our darkness to show us his light. He so loves us. I will be praying for you.

  5. Again. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. =)
