Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The ministry of mountain climbing

It's a new year and as I begin the year I'm thinking about my own walk with God. It seems that most of my walk has been uphill, mountain climbing in fact. Although the climb is often steep and the air thinning I find that I gain strength with each step. My mind tires from the constant need to focus on the goal. My knees wobble from the uneven surfaces, but slowly, often with a rest to regain my strength and confidence, I climb towards the goal. It's a mountain worth climbing. It's an adventure I wouldn't miss for anything. No one ever told me it would be easy. I still can't see the mountain peak, but I know it's there. Others have reached the mountain top and spoken of the glory of their arrival. I can't wait to see the goal of my life of climbing. It will be worth it! Along the way I cross the paths of others climbing with me. Some look tired, some are sitting, discouraged; and others are going down the mountain having given up hope of ever reaching the top. But along the way I run into some who tell me to keep climbing. Some help me with a kind word, a prayer, some offer food or drink. Ahead, somewhere in the clouds, is the peak, the goal. Somewhere ahead is the desire of all mankind. Ahead is the hope of mankind. And so I climb on. Others continue up the mountain with me. We often help one another. It lightens the load for all of us. The ministry of mountain climbing is a wonderful one. Ahead is the goal worth any price. Ahead is the promise of glory! And so I climb. As others have spoken to me, let me encourage you, "Keep climbing! Don't give up! It will be worth it all! Keep climbing! Ahead is glory!"

Hebrews 12:22 " have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, 23 to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, 24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant..."


  1. my friend, on another site where I also post these thoughts, seems to think I left God out of this short word picture, but I would counter that he is at the very heart of my desire to reach the summit in the first place and he helps me every moment as I climb. I'm glad for his company. I would give up if God were not with me as I climb towards the prize.

  2. I love the analogy, the thought of all of the people at different stages of the mountain, how many places on the mountain can exist. Actually stepping out of the front door wondering and looking to see where each one is on this journey and if I could possibly help in any way.

    Without God there would be no mountain for me, I would have given up a long time ago. It is only for God the mountain is even there for me. I am tired. I'm ready to reach the top as many are I am sure. He encourages me not to be weary but to look for others in which to serve, help, effect, hopefully, as well as praise him with thanksgiving and a grateful heart, both and all which always fill me with energy and joy to be used even in the smallest of ways. Or just to hear from him a little or a lot.

    As you say, others are there to help, God is there to refresh, and show himself to me personally to encourage me in my spirit with his spirit... if I listen and look, wait on him and stand on his word, or just keep climbing.

    The 'word verification' below is "surrive" so that is a tired version of keep on trucking... like, survive (at this hour)! Overcome! I can't wait to see Him and all that is in store. I love the mountain theory you bring up here. It has changed my thinking of others from before when I read this post. Thanks so much for sharing this.
