Sunday, January 30, 2011

The big question

With all the travel of these days I have time to do some reading. One of the books I purchased for this trip is about discipleship....what is it? what should it be like? how do we do it?

The author, in his own walk with God, comes to a point at which the question he asks is this, when will Jesus be enough?

When will Jesus be enough? What an amazing question! We want Jesus PLUS a hundred different things....but what if all we desired was Jesus himself....what if he was enough. What would change in our lives, our ambitions, our relationships....if Jesus was all we wanted, all we needed, all we sought after. What if Jesus was enough? How would your life change if you honestly addressed that question in your own life? That's the question I'm working on in my life this week. I'll keep you updated on my results.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds of what Bill Lee said today - that people are most always interested in talking about JESUS. Not morality, not spirituality, not judgment...but Jesus. I guess I hadn't thought about that. It really made me think. The book you read sounds interesting, too. Lots of food for thought.
