Monday, December 13, 2010

Big questions

There's nothing like a really good question to make you think. I am constantly fascinated by the questions I read in the bible. I especially like the questions that God asks of man, but the one bouncing around my head...the one that won't let go of me is from the verse I posted yesterday, "Whom have I in heaven but you?"

This question has haunted me for two days. Whom have I in heaven but you? And so I ask...who do I have besides the Lord? Is there any other God? According to Isaiah 40-45 the answer is "NO! There is no other." If the God of the bible has made himself known, and he has. And if he clearly claims to be the only God, and he does. And if there is no one in the heavens besides him then what a haunting question this is. Whom have I in heaven but you? The answer is no one. If I don't run to him there is no one else. But he is there. He does love me. He does watch over me. He does care. I do have someone in the heaven who cares about me. I do have a God who is there and that reality is both an assurance and a comfort to a troubled soul. I have someone in the heavens! He loves me! He cares about me! Whom have I in heaven but you? No one. And with you I need no other.

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