Sunday, December 12, 2010

Anticipating Christmas

Christmas is less than two weeks away! It's come so quickly this year that it has caught us unprepared. We don't have a tree up yet. Few decorations are on the walls. It feels a little like a humbug Christmas because it's not all about the trees, the lights and the's about Christ.

I know he probably wasn't born on this date. That's not important. What's important is the remembering of the birth of God on planet earth. The entrance of the king. The breach of time and space that brought God's solution to our problem into reality. That's the meaning of Christmas! And for that birth, for that King, for that invasion of humanity by God himself I'm most thankful. I do wish I better understood how amazing this event really is. God becoming man. How could we possibly understand such an amazing plan as this?

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