Friday, November 19, 2010

Gone fishing

It struck me in the last few days, as I read my bible, that I don't always get something from my time in God's word. I know I shouldn't say that, but it's true. I don't always "catch something" when I throw out my nets. There are literally days on end when I come home without any food that I can describe....empty nets to my eyes, but whether I find food or not I cast the net, read God's word and trust him to work. What I know is that God's word is living and active. It will work, it will change me, even when I don't perceive that I found any food at all. Even in those times, like now, when I think my nets are empty, God is working through his word in my life. He promised to do that. He never lies. So I throw out the nets every day. I continue to read. There are days when my nets are full of for many days. There are other days when I don't sense that I caught anything, but at those times God is catching me! He is changing me....even when I have fished all night and caught nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful that I'm not the only one who feels this way. I remember Cynthia Heald saying that we can't always remember what we ate last week or even yesterday (real food, not spiritual food), but yet our bodies need that nutrition for today. I like to think that sometimes I must just be storing that info somewhere in my heart for a later date when it will pour into my head and be helpful to me or minister to someone else. =-)
