Wednesday, November 03, 2010

2,000 Posts!

I know. I'm amazed too. When I saw that this would be post 2,000 I was shocked! I couldn't believe I had done this so long, written so much or that I had that much to say.
When I started this blog more than four years ago it was by my wife's prodding. I resisted, but once I got started I did notice that God was working in me as I dealt with my own thoughts and issues. I also saw him work in other lives.
It's been great to "meet" people from around the world through this platform, so I'm thrilled to post #2,000 today. I hope I have many more posts to write in the days ahead. Thanks for following my walk with God. I can't wait to see what he does in each of our lives.


  1. I like the green sweater that you're wearing.

  2. Anon,

    That's a great comment!

    Very funny.

    Thanks for the smiles.

    (I have the same sweater in blue too.)

  3. (And, you don't have to take a fun shot like that from the shadows....I think it's great. Well done. Good humor is good even if I'm the brunt of the joke.)

  4. ....although I do wish my hair looked that good.

  5. Thanks Mike for your time. it has been a help in more ways than you know.

    Joe Martin

  6. It's my sweet husband. We love you! Thanks for all your words of wisdom.
    Ruth V.

  7. I'm jealous! I have blogged as long as you have and I'm 1000+ posts behind you. I thought women had more words to use per day than men??? What's up with that???
