Monday, October 11, 2010

Wages or gifts?

Which would you prefer? Wages or Gifts? That's the question and conclusion of Romans 6.

I've been reading Romans 6 daily for a few weeks now. I'm trying to wrap my mind around this amazing chapter. As Paul concludes his argument for both justification and sanctification he offers this contrast- Which do you want, wages or gifts?

Wages are the result of work you have done, the wage is due you for your efforts. It's payment for service rendered. Woven into this question is the reality that your wage is tied to what "boss" you work for (but that's a discussion for another time.)

On the other hand is the gift. A gift is given for no work done at all. You can't earn it, you may not deserve it, but it's based entirely on the kindness of the giver. It's given without any merit on your part. And, it's free.

This is the question at the end of Romans 6, a wage or a gift...which do you want? With that simple question comes other decisions- Which "master" will I serve? Can I humbly receive something I didn't earn? Or, will my pride keep me from the gift because I want to "earn my own way?"

Wages or gifts? That's the question for the human race. Surprisingly, for a race that loves free things, most will choose a wage rather than the gift. To be honest, our rejection of the gift amazes me. Why would you rather earn your own way than receive something even better for free, without work, without merit?

Here are Paul's closing thoughts on this topic in Romans 6- "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Wages or gifts? Which do you choose?

1 comment:

  1. The root of many sins, and Saten's first sin is PRIDE. It seems aproprate that by pride we are not able to receive the "Gift" of salvation.
