Monday, October 04, 2010

Just thinking about the church

I've been part of the church for more than 45 years. When I say "church" I'm speaking about the body of Christ, the gathered group of believers all trusting Christ and headed for heaven.
It has often amazed me that God is able to get anything done in the world with the people I have met over the years. (I include myself in this bunch by the way.) How can God take broken, selfish people and build a kingdom? But he does! One heart at a time, one moment at a time he's drawing us to him, conforming us to the image of Christ and building an eternal kingdom.
But what a funny bunch we are. One person said to me, "I'm leaving because you don't teach the bible here." Another told me yesterday, "I love it here because you teach the bible." One person tells me they love the music while another can't stand it. You can imagine how many different contrasts exist in this discussion and I have heard them all. How on earth can God work with people like us!? But he does.
For me there are two great miracles I see- 1. Salvation. That a person like me, by simple faith in Christ, can know and experience forgiveness and eternal life, and 2. The Kingdom. That a group of people like us can be used by God to bring about his eternal kingdom. With the crew he has working for him it's a miracle he gets anything done. And it is a miracle indeed. I like miracles.

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