Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Alive again!

Do you think any of the miners in Chile will ever be the same again? Do you think they will ever look at the sunrise, smell the fresh morning air, or hug their children in the same way again?

Everything is changed for them.


They were dead, but now they are alive again. How could life ever be the same? How could the chirp of a bird ever go unnoticed? How could the glow of the sun ever feel the same? These men were dead, but now life is everything is new. They were saved and given a new life. Nothing will ever be the same again...nothing should be the same again.

Second chances are wonderful, aren't they? New life. New hope. Resurrection! What an amazing experience for these men. Their rescue and redemption from the grave caught the attention of millions as we all watched them brought back to the land of the living. It's a miracle they could never achieve on their own. Others had to help them and their rescue brought joy to a world looking for hope.

Hope is a wonderful thing but not nearly as glorious as the fulfillment of that hope. These men have experienced, and we all watched, as their hope was realized.

I look forward to that glorious day when the hope of the Christian is finally realized in the light of the face of Jesus Christ. Hope fulfilled...what a wonderful thing....


  1. I saw a news story this AM where all 33 of these men made a pact to share any profits from there experience equally. So if any one of them are paid for an appearance the fees will be split equally among all. Its easy to see the holy spirit was with these men during this amazing experience. I hope they all embrace their celebrity and continue to publicly praise God for their lives.

  2. The first thing my wife said was, "Wow, think about it, their lives will never be the same." How true.
