Saturday, September 18, 2010

Would Jesus Discriminate?

The Metropolitan Community Church has launched a new campaign on billboards across Dallas. I know because I saw several of them on my way home today. They surprised me because they claim things about Jesus, the early church and others in the Bible that are simply not true. Even more frustrating to me is that what they claim from the text is not only not true it's not there! When I saw the passages they used to defend the claims on each billboard I had to look them up, as I thought to myself, what story are they talking about? Clearly they had to write some fiction to create these billboards, but that's not what I want to focus on. The real issue, besides the fantasy they have created, is this question- Would Jesus discriminate? To answer that honestly we have to define words, so let's do that, ok?
–verb (used without object)
1. to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality: The new law discriminates against foreigners. He discriminates in favor of his relatives.
2. to note or observe a difference; distinguish accurately: to discriminate between things.
Clearly, from all we see about Jesus in the gospels he never discriminated, but did he address and confront sin? YES! Discrimination is the wrong term to use to describe how Jesus dealt with people and it's the wrong term to use in reference to this lifestyle. The real question is this- Did Jesus confront sin in people's lives? Of course! The next question that must follow is a simple one for us- When I find that what I'm doing is sin do I need to repent of it or justify it? I don't care what the sin doesn't matter. It can be lying, overeating, gossip, stealing, murder, or a hundred other things. Sin is anything that is contrary to the very nature of God. I don't steal because God is not a thief and I'm his child. I don't lie because God is not a liar. These are simple things, but they go to the heart of the issue. My life should mirror what I see about God in his word. To do anything else is simply called "sin." Sin, in it's simplest definition means to miss the mark. When I miss the mark of looking like Christ that's called sin. It doesn't matter what the sin is, it's the same that moment of action or thought I don't reflect the nature and character of God.

It's not a matter of discrimination, it's a matter of pleasing God! Did Jesus confront sin? YES! Without question. He met it head on. If you want to read about one story read John 8. You will see clearly how Jesus dealt with sin in one person's life. The issue is not discrimination. You can redefine terms and lifestyles all you want. You can invent new stories in the bible, but the issue still comes down to this- Do you want to please God? That question is the core question for each of us. It's not my job to get the splinter out of your eye while ignoring the beam in my own. It's my job to look at my own life rightly and live as a reflection of Christ. If I do that, if you do that, then we will each be dealing with our lives in the right way and the billboard wars will be completely unnecessary.

1 comment:

  1. Very good distinction between discrimination and confrontation of sin. Gets to the heart of the matter, my friend. Well done.
