Saturday, September 04, 2010

Nothing lasts....

"Nothing lasts. What a shame that is." --Benjamin Buttons

Tonight we are watching the movie, Benjamin Buttons. What an interesting story. I know I am late to the discussion on this movie, but just one line caught my attention, "Nothing lasts. What a shame that is." It caught my ear because in this world that's true. But wait.....there's more....that's not the end of the story. One of the sad results of sin is that things meant to be eternal now have become temporary. Death affected everything! What a shame that is. Now, for this time, nothing lasts, but there will be a day...what a day...when everything will last forever, just as God planned. What a glory that will be! I long for that day.

1 comment:

  1. But... since we do have the fall... i am really glad that nothing lasts... otherwise we would be stuck on this disease infested, sin soaked planed forever!!! Glad He was wise enough to make us mortal! Until we are rejoined with Him in eternity with new bodies, and new earth!!! What a glorious day that will be.
