Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Tonight I start teaching through the book of Daniel. I've been preparing for this for a while. Daniel is an amazing man....a man taken into captivity as a young man...probably no older than the young Arab boy in this refugee camp. A teenager taken from his home during a war. Taken to another country. Given a new name. Forced to learn a new language. Educated under a system completely different from what he knew. And yet....he made the decision to be faithful to God. His decision made a big difference in his life and in the lives of those he touched. For the next 70 years Daniel was part of a foreign government working under the authority of pagan kings, walking with God the entire time. This is a young man who, like Joseph in Egypt, changed leaders and the course of governments by his faith. I pray that I can communicate these truths well and that we would be "Daniels" in our day.

1 comment:

  1. Man I love Daniel. It's just so rich a book! Too bad we can't sit for hours and talk about it...maybe some day!
