Friday, August 06, 2010


I've noticed that the blogs I write are thoughts that have developed over time. It may take a week or sometimes a month for a thought to mature into something I can put on paper. It's as if this thing is growing, developing in my little brain and finally finds it's life on the page.
I find my own growth in faith is that way as well. Just as a seed is planted in soil, but takes time to begin to grow, my faith is a thing in process. It takes time for those little seeds of the word to begin to sprout into something others can see. Often it's a long time before a verse of scripture begins to evidence itself in my life lived out. The key for me it to continue to throw seeds on my rocky heart in hopes that, over time, some of them will grow. And they do! Amazingly to me God takes his word and makes it grow in my life. Some of it becomes evident in my life. Over time a harvest begins to bear other fruit. I'm always amazed to see what God does with his word.
My job? Continue to plant the seeds of his word in my heart. The growth and when it grows is God's work. My part is to simply throw the seed into this heart of mine and watch as God does the miracle of growth. It takes time, but any good thing does. It takes time, but the results are worth the wait!

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