Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thinking like a Bedouin

There is a "tribe" of people who live, and live well, in the deserts of the middle east. They live in places no one else would want to live. They live day to day. They have learned to be content with little. Their lives are nomadic and meager. They don't have deep roots, but lives in tents roaming the desert.
I wish I thought more like a Bedouin. I wish I was more content with little rather than complaining about lack. I wish I enjoyed solitude more. I wish I could be happy with mobility instead of wanting to "put down deep roots." I wish I thought more like a Bedouin.
The reason I'm working on this is that we are in fact Bedouins in this world. We are on a journey to our final home and should be thinking like, living like this is simply a tent existence for a moment of time, but we want so badly to have money in the bank, have the house paid for, good jobs, STABILITY! In other words we have no desire to be Bedouins in our thinking or in our living. So we hold onto the stuff of this world, the things of now, the security of money and miss the great joys of depending on God to meet our needs day by day. I'm still working on this. I think it's an important mindset for me. I want to loosen my grip on this world and trust the Lord for today.....because I'm just passing through.


  1. i'm fighting the opposite fight.. learning to stay put, learning that stability is positive. it's extremely hard for me. for several years my "home" was a small suzuki bus. then a vw bus.

    i think that God needs both types of people. there need to be people traveling, meeting up with the nomadic peoples (and the bedouins aren't the only nomads, there are plenty in the western culture as well) and ministering in this alternative lifestyle.

    but there also need to be people, stable people, who are there for the communities they have been placed in. it is important to have that stability. people know, even years later, where to find the stable christian in their lives. where the church is, or the pastors house.

    and having the things that a stable life provide, such as money in the bank... that can open doors, too. there have to be people supporting the nomads like me. tithing so that churches can keep their stability, too..

    it's ok to have things.. as long as you are willing to leave them behind when/ if the time comes. it's even ok to love them- just not above God.

    so trust God fully- that He can use you and your stability.

  2. xate,

    thanks for your thoughts. I agree with your comments. What I'm working on is just the mindset of living with an open hand...not holding onto anything too tightly. It's more of a way of thinking than it is a reality. I'm one of those "stay put" guys who is uncomfortable with change and need to be willing to let go. It's all about our hearts and God's leading, isn't it? Thanks for your comments.
