Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The road ahead

One of the things that floats to the surface in almost any discussion about life choices is the desire to know God's will and way. It's a question we all have...how do I know God's will and way for my life? For my career? For my marriage? Which way should I go?
I just finished reading the book of Ruth and thought about these questions as I read the story of Ruth and Naomi. I imagine, from reading Naomi's words, that she thought she had failed...that her life was over and ruined. BUT GOD.....those words show up often in the Bible. I didn't see them in the text of Ruth, but those two words scream at me as I read the short four chapters of this book. But God was working, God was directing, God was leading in the life of Ruth, Naomi, Boaz and others. When I feel that my life has gone wrong, I've lost my way, I will never be of use to God I remember these wonderful words... BUT GOD.
In the midst of my journey I often think about the road ahead...about being used by God...about doing the right things, going the right ways. Stories like Naomi's encourage me. In the middle of giving up she discovers that God has a wonderful plan that brings her good and him glory. Even when we think we have taken a wrong turn he turns it all out for good. BUT GOD....how wonderful to know he's working in the middle of our messy lives.


  1. Thanks Mike. If my life were to be written as a story, I hope the words "But God ..." would show up. If they didn't, it would be the saddest of tales.


  2. I needed these words this morning. I'm living that messy life story right now. I'm so tired....
