Friday, August 27, 2010

The Lion is on the move....

My old friend and teacher, William Burnside, sent me a wonderful e-mail this morning. It's much too long to share here, but his opening thoughts highlight a wonderful reality of our days as he writes,
"I read two more chapters today to Isabelle and Ethan from The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis so of course I'm thinking about Narnia and Aslan and that "the Lion is on the move. . ." Well, Christ really is "on the move"--always working and in His own way. Jesus said so, you know: "my Father works and so do I." And so does the Holy Spirit who "convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come." And what is He doing? He is "calling out a people for His Name" and "gathering in His sheep into His fold."
His words made me think of the book of Revelation. Most read it as a book of prophecy, but I see it as the great evangelistic book of the Bible. In this last great book of the Bible God is wrapping up history with a series of last calls to humanity to come to faith in Christ. God is, after all, the great evangelist on a quest for the hearts and souls of the men and women he created. He wants everyone to be saved! (2 Peter 3:9) So, as we near the end of time, the end of human history, God is accelerating the pace, increasing the pressure, turning up the volume to draw every man and woman who will respond to faith in Christ as savior. He's seeking after the man he has made. The Lion of Judah is indeed on the move. He will soon return, but in these final seconds of time it's wonderful to see the hearts and lives of Christians who are looking for the Lion and preparing for that day. Every book I read, every message I hear is reflecting the heart of the Holy Spirit through his saints...the message is becoming louder...the Lion is on the move....He's coming soon....are you ready?

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