Sunday, August 01, 2010

"I quit"

Anne Rice, the author, declared her faith in Christ a few years ago. Some of you may have read her recent statement. If not, here it is:
"For those who care," she wrote, "and I understand if you don't: Today I quit being a Christian. I'm out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being 'Christian' or to being part of Christianity. It's simply impossible for me to 'belong' to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I've tried. I've failed. I'm an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else."
Her words should strike at the heart of every Christian. She speaks to how easily we have become cultural Christians and not biblical Christians. Obviously she does not speak of all Christians, but it's sad that such a declaration ever need be made. Some are angered at her words, but should be challenged by them instead. Your thoughts?


  1. Haha...thanks for sharing.I always struggle what to believe and what to trust. We live in an informative world, flooded with various people and different source of information. I am confused sometimes even with the things different leaders and pastors shared. Sometimes, we try so hard to work up to the standard of a church, feeling pressurized. But what actually please God? Which method of worshiping him or which division that pleases God? Everyone has their own way of thinking, their own struggles. Even I hope people understand me but it is quite impossible. I always comfort myself it doesn't matter what people think of me, what really matters is what God thinks of me. I don't understand what she struggles. But i believe it is a painful one for her. Is important what God thinks of her? And her relationship with God that matters?

  2. Siyun,

    you said that well. I think she is tired of seeing Christians not act as the bible tells them to act. She is saying, I don't want to be like that. I am glad for her statement. It makes us all look at ourselves to see if we are being honest about our faith in Christ. Thank you for your thoughts.

  3. I always wonder what someones motive is when I read something like this. I think she would have made a better statement by saying she is leaving organized religion and not Christianity, but would that grab the headlines or be fodder for the tabloids.

    Wish more stories of the great things Christians do made the headlines, it is always the "miss guided" who seem to be the so called spokesman.

  4. Charlie,

    I agree with you completely! Well said. She is a gifted writer, so her words were not from someone who doesn't know how to say what she means. She had an agenda and clearly communicated her thoughts. Like you, I wish she had chosen a better way to express her frustrations.

  5. I similarly agree with the other posts here. Sounds to me like she is saying she is done with organized religion, with christianity as a "religion." If she is holding fast to Christ, then thats all that really matters. Knowing Christ in your innermost person is a spiritual experience I believe, one that transcends man made religion and all the specifics that go along with it. Too often "christians" turn an intimate relationship with their creator and sustainer of life into a set of rules, regulations, doctrins, bible thumping, etc....At least for me, and it appears Ms. Rice, that doesnt ring true or resonate.

    As your most recent post indicates, there are ONLY 2 things, love for god and love for each other that matters and is at the core of what it means to be a christian. EVERYTHING else is man made and should be approached with caution.

    Mike P.
