Friday, July 23, 2010

Where are you?

Where are you?
This is the first question recorded in the bible. It's God's question to Adam,
"where are you?"
He didn't ask this question because he didn't know. He asked because Adam didn't know.
Adam didn't realize the full impact of what his choice of sin had done. He was now "lost" and needed God's help to find his way. Since the fall God has been on a quest for his men and women with the same question, "where are you?" Do you realize you are lost?
Adam responded with three new words, three new experiences he had never known, should have never known. Adam replied, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." Three new words he had never needed, three new experiences he had never known.
From that moment on we have wandered in fear, feeling naked, needing to hide. From that moment man has been lost. Until a man or woman trusts Christ for forgiveness and salvation they would repeat Adam's words to God. But now, in Christ, we are found. We are no longer lost. Fear is gone, now we know God's love. Nakedness is resolved. We are now clothed in Christ's righteousness. Hiding from God is now replaced with a wonderful fellowship with the God who made us. Once more a man can walk with God. Once more relationship with God can be what he designed it to be....but it's only found in Christ.
God's question to each of is the same one he had for Adam. It's his question to you, "where are you?"

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