Thursday, July 15, 2010

The results of faith

I'm amazed, as I read Hebrews 11, that we have so misunderstood faith. Let me start with a few negatives to help clarify this issue,

-faith is not a magic formula
-faith does not have power
-faith is not something I use to get what I want
-I can't have more faith than God has given me
-faith does not promise good results
-you don't need more faith than God has already given

Then, you might ask, what is faith? Faith is our dependence on God for his care and provision. It's a trust in HIS ability to work in our lives. Faith is not something I can make work for me to get things to go my's an unwavering trust in God and his amazing plan for my life. I only have the faith he has given me, it doesn't have to be much, my task is to take my little bit of faith and trust in God who can do all things. All things. It's God who acts, who works, who moves, who faith doesn't DO anything. It's God who does it all. I don't need more faith...I just need to have faith in the right God himself and he can do anything.

But, as I read Hebrews 11 I see this phrase in the later verses, "and others...." These others were men and women of faith as well and did not see good results. Some died for their faith. Others suffered hunger. You can read the list yourself, but what is noteworthy is that they were credited with faith that pleased God. Faith that made it into the hall of faith....even though in our eyes it looks like they failed. How can this be? Don't we have the idea that faith can keep us from harm? If you only have enough faith.... But these men and women had faith, faith that pleased God, and appeared to have failed. What's the answer to this faith puzzle?

It's simply this- trust in God, who will work in your life for HIS glory. You might not always have what you want, what you pray for or trust him for, but HE will take care of you. You don't need more faith, you simply need to take the little bit of faith he has given you and trust him. He will do the rest. By faith....what an amazing phrase. This hall of fame of men and women, both successes and failures in the world's eyes, were applauded by God because they trusted him no matter what happened. That's our call. That's the message of Hebrews God. The rest is up to him.


  1. THANK YOU for this post today! I recently lost my job and these words of encouragement about our faith were like rain after a drought.

    God Bless!

  2. I always tell myself to be still when I am troubled with fears and not understanding God's plan for me. But i struggle and it is painful for me to learn to be still. I know God's way is always right though sometimes it doesn't make sense, but i don't know what can i do to overcome the struggles to trust Him fully.

  3. Siyun,

    Thank you for your thoughts. In my own life I do not always understand God's plan. That's the message of Prov. 3:5-6. We trust God INSTEAD of understanding what God is up to. I agree, it is painful to be still and trust. It's something we learn....we learn that we can trust God. As far as overcoming the struggles to trust him fully, that is something we learn over a lifetime. Don't be frustrated that you are still growing in faith. You will be growing in faith and trust in God your entire life, that's ok. Keep going, keep trusting, keep growing. God will help you along the way as you tremble and fear. He will help us both to grow and get to the final destination- a life that pleases HIM. Keep going, keep trusting. God will help you.

  4. Thanks pastor for ur encouragement. =)
