Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My friend, David, took this photo. He sent it to me as a screen saver for my phone. David is an amazing photographer and I love the photo. It's the seed for my thoughts this morning. As I looked at this drop of water captured in a fraction of a second I thought about the many visits I have with people. A similar visit happened this morning. One of our men has a crisis of life that is tempting him to simply quit. Because of the moment he's willing to suspend everything, to check out. I reminded him that this moment, these events will change. It's not life ending. It's only a day, a moment.
James described it this way, James 4:14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Our eyes would not see this marvelous photo if the camera had not caught this fraction of a second in time. We would have missed it, and yet, we think our events and life situations.....although only a moment in time....are eternal and life changing. The events of life are simply moments in eternity. Like this drop of water about to disappear into the pool around it our problems and situations will change. The moment will pass, our moods will improve, God will work and we will wonder why that moment in time seems so horrible. so important. Life is full of moments that are simply a fraction of eternity. Don't let the moments of time convince you that this is the way it will always be. The moment will pass and you will forget why all of life seemed to be over. The crisis of the moment, the problems of today, the tears of a relationship are moments in eternity. Take those moments to God. Ask him to help you see them clearly. Realize the moment will pass and things will be different, life will change, God will work and we will wonder why the moment seemed so big.


  1. change/changeless: so glad we do change... so glad He doesn't :-0)

  2. I like it! Great perspective! I needed that.

  3. My what a GREAT picture! That David guy must be a pretty talented photographer! :) -A
