Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy Birthday, America! It's been pretty tough in recent years, but it is wonderful to be part of such a great country and history. Personally, I'm thankful that we have such a rich Christian heritage of men and women living for God. America is the result of Christians living out their faith in the way they formed our country. I'm glad to be part of this amazing country. Happy Birthday!


  1. OK, going to stir the pot a bit here probably, but you do know that America was founded by Masons right? The majority of our founders were Deists, not Christians in the strict sense of the word. The Jefferson bible is but one example. Our founders were in favor of reason and freedom of religion. Their main goal was to found a society where religious freedom was tolerated and the reason of man, endowed by his creator, was allowed to flourish, free from the religious superstition and dogmatics that haunted Europe throughout the dark ages. Check out this website and associated story for more info. Curious of your thoughts?

    john P.

  2. John,

    welcome back, how are you doing? Great to hear from you.

    I guess we are looking at different histories. It's amazing how many different views of our founding and the founding fathers there are. Finding the truth amid all these different truth claims will be difficult, won't it?

    Even our president talks about the impact Muslims had on our founding....which if humorous because they weren't involved at all. I guess history is what we make it, isn't it?

  3. Indeed it is, something like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Most of life is varying degrees of perspective I suppose. Who knows what went on in the heads of our mason/christian founders. While there is no question as to the masonic influence on our countries founding and history, we cant really judge the faith of those people. They have obviously helped create the best country the earth has known.

    My grandfather was a mason, and it was more like the Waterbuffalo lodge from the Flinstones! He was a very christian man despite.

    John P.
