Sunday, July 18, 2010

Focused on the wrong things

I love this cartoon. In just a few words, with an amazing illustration, this cartoonist has focused our attention on what we so easily do- we focus on the wrong things.
If I were to ask this man, assuming he really existed, what his real problem is he would have to conclude that his real problem is a hole in the boat! But, like us, he has his focus on the wrong things.
We easily do that ourselves. We focus on things that aren't all that important when in reality our boat is sinking! I hear it as I listen to discussions about politics, finance, family, marriage and religion. Our default reaction to problems we encounter has three parts- 1. a focus on the wrong things, not really addressing the problem that exists, 2. blame someone else for the problem and, 3. keep doing what we are doing now in hopes that it will all go away.
I think of Jeremiah the prophet, when addressing the sins of Judah. He made it clear to them what was wrong, but their response, like ours so often, was 1. a focus on the wrong things, 2. blame others for the problem they had and, 3. keep doing what they were doing now in hopes it will all go away. Funny, isn't it, how things have not changed much over the years.

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