Monday, July 12, 2010

Fear and trembling

These are difficult days! People are afraid, nervous and unsure of what to expect next. It seems, to many, that everything is crumbling...everything is falling apart. Fear and trembling is our response. In America we have had an easy life....until now. We have been blessed, but now even our economy is struggling. Many have lost everything in this crisis. Others fear the days ahead. There is much to worry about.

This morning, as I read, I came to these words from Solomon in Ecclesiastes, "When times are good, be happy, but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other." Good times are from God. We would all respond "AMEN!" But when he adds bad times are from God as well, our response is less enthusiastic. We are thrilled to be blessed, but not so excited about what God is doing when days like these come.

God's answer? consider. Consider what you are depending on. Consider what God is doing. Consider who you trust for your needs. Consider what is important. Consider. We have been a most blessed country, but if times get tough we respond with fear and trembling instead of trust in God. God tells us that he will meet our needs....even in difficult days. In a time of fear and trembling we have a wonderful opportunity to trust God who promises to care for us. When things become difficult consider....are you trusting God or have you been trusting your job, your savings, your retirement plan? David wrote these amazing words in Psalm 37,

"I was young and now I am old,
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken
or their children begging bread."

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