Friday, July 30, 2010

Extending grace

I have a good friend who is a pastor in another part of the country. Tonight I'm responding to an e-mail from him about the legalism of Christians where he is serving and how harsh and cruel we can be as Christians. We so easily imitate the Pharisees of the gospels. We are masters of the rules, but novices of grace. We easily speak for God, but miss his heart and his love for those around us. In the cross of Christ God has redeemed us, forgiven us, justified us.....there is so much more. But in the cross God's grace was poured out upon mankind. It was God's hand reaching out to us to help us up from the crippling effects of all that sin had done. Now, in Christ, we have forgiveness of all sins...past, present and future. Now, in Christ, we have God's grace not only providing what we need for salvation, but much we have his grace to give us all we need to live the Christian life. Now, he has extended his hand to us, he has extended grace to us and invited us to walk in an intimate relationship with him.
There are religious people all around who will try to steal this grace and freedom from you. Don't let them! Celebrate God's grace, enjoy his provision, rejoice in his life. In Christ and through his grace we have "everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." Rejoice in Him. Don't let anyone steal his grace from you. It's part of your inheritance!


  1. ouI know how this guy feels! ;)
    Give me a call when you can.

  2. Tony, I did send you an e-mail. Did you get that? I tried to answer your questions, hope you got that. I will call you tonight.

  3. Tony, I called, but just got the church's answering machine.
