Thursday, July 22, 2010

Checking my pulse

It appears that the blog format is no longer a popular one for those roaming the web. Apparently Facebook is the new hang out. It may simply be that my thoughts and posts are not of interest to anyone or that they are "hanging out" somewhere else. Either way, it might be time to let this format die. I would love your feedback, if you are out there, to let me know your thoughts. If there are no responses I will probably begin to phase out this blog as a way to communicate my thoughts. Let me know what you think....


  1. I am always a few year behind the curve. I just got into reading blog's a year or so ago. I might start face book in a few more years but I am not wanting to.
    Who is your audiance and who do you want to talk to? I would tend to think that face book is more the quick short thought, for the give me a little, but don't chalange me too much. The blog is to me more of a indepth let me think it out kind of place.
    Posting comments to face book, and puting the discussions on the blog might make a better answer than useing only one. Mike McM

  2. Are you basing it on visits to your site? I read you all the time, but in my Outlook inbox because I subscribe to the blog. I wonder if your blog software counts that.

  3. Thank you both for your comments. I'm not fishing for compliments, I just want to find out if this is still a viable media for my work. If it's not I will change, but if it still works I'll keep going. Thanks for your thoughts.

    Mike- I am posting to both places, so that may be the way I continue to write. Just thinking out loud.

    Merrikay- I don't look at numbers anymore, just trying to make sure I'm serving someone.....other than me.

  4. Mike, I love blogs! I read all of my blogs through Google Reader. It keeps them in one place. I never actually go to the blog sites. I'm soooo bad at Facebook. There are just too many comments and clutter there. I feel like I have to search for info about people if I want to find it.

  5. Martha, thank you. Encouraging words. At least I know I'm not writing in the wind. thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement.

  6. mike, I think the is to do BOTH. Continue blogging and have your blog posts automatically go on your Facebook page. Allows for the best of both, eh?

  7. NO, NO, NO! As a "non-facebooker," I would be SO sad if you shut down your blog! Please don't! I find your posts very insightful and uplifting! I don't always comment, but we're here!!

  8. Mike, keep blogging i love hearing your thoughts. I go to your blog almost everyday,I don't always comment, but I'm here!!

    Joe Martin

  9. I read your blog everyday! It's in my Google Reader, and I always enjoy your quotes, thought-provoking posts, and the cartoons, too.

  10. Whatever format you take, please don't stop sharing what the Lord is teaching you and puts on your heart. It is a blessing to me! Keep us posted on your decision.

  11. I love this blog and it is a constant resource for me! the facebook thing is a hang out but the young people will soon tire of the fact that the 30-40 plus crowd has taken over! If you still enjoy it then please keep it up!

  12. thank you all for the encouragement. It appears you are still out there, so I will continue to write and share. thanks for the words!

  13. Yup, keep blogging...ur sharings help me to think deeply. Thanks anyway. =)

  14. Don't stop! I don't come here as often as I used to but I catch up after I've been gone. I am glad that you keep the links landing on facebook so I see them there too!

  15. I have your blog set up in my "morning coffee" which is a tool through Mozilla Firefox. I click on the morning coffee icon and it pops up with other important websites I like to start my day. I get behind from time to time (like now) but I always come back to yours and catch up. I really enjoy reading what you have to write about. It's a great way for me to start my day. Thank you for sharing.

    Judy, your follower in Monticello, Indiana. I'm a friend of Cheri's who I met while working for the same business a couple years back.

  16. I love your blog...might not get to it everyday, but then I go back and catch up. It is a great example to me of one man's dialogue and contemplations with God and insightful!!

  17. I hope you aren't basing this consideration on my infequent visits of late. Now that I have internet at home, I will be returning more frequently (once we are unpacked). Of course, you are so busy and you shouldn't do it if it adds stress. But please know how much you add to my life in your musings. Especially, since I can't get my occasional Mike fix in person. Thanks by the way for the kind words you wrote in your goodbye post about me. Give me a call, would love to catch you up.

  18. Mike, if you enjoy it, and it is a source of joy to you, keep on blogging! I think the idea of posting to both is great - you'll get 2 for the price of one! I have just started following your blog, really enjoy it, and will pass it on to others as well.

  19. I find myself reading blogs in place of how I used to spend my time flipping through a magazine. I did that today. I think I had 40 plus posts of yours to go through.

    I blog because it helps me process. If someone else happens to benefit from it then great.
